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How workers can document harassment on the job

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2024 | Employment Law |

Workplace sexual harassment can change the course of someone’s career. A previously confident and trusting professional may find it difficult to relate to their co-workers and supervisors after enduring harassment. The strained relationship they have with the party is treating them can affect their other working relationships and their professional reputation.

It is quite common for those enduring sexual harassment on the job to develop mental health symptoms, including signs of anxiety and depression. They may also suffer career setbacks due to the denial of promotions or hostile attitudes among their coworkers.

All of that combined may leave a worker feeling powerless and concerned about the future. They may want to fight the harassment they have experienced or hold the company accountable. However, they may worry that others may not believe their version of events. How can someone experiencing workplace harassment create a record that proves what they have endured?

Personal records can demonstrate a disturbing pattern

Many people might reach for their mobile phones as a way to prove the inappropriate conduct of others. Unfortunately, Florida has very clear laws about recording private interactions. All parties have to consent to video or audio recording for them to be legal.

Therefore, those trying to prove sexual harassment occurs behind closed doors in Florida need to use a different strategy for documenting their experiences. Keeping a written journal is a viable solution. Each journal entry can detail specific incidents to show a pattern of abusive behavior.

From when and where the incident occurred to who was present and what exactly transpired, all of those details make a worker’s harassment claims more credible in the future. The more individual interactions they document, the easier it is to prove a pattern of inappropriate behavior.

Keeping a small personal journal with in-depth details about inappropriate interactions with coworkers or supervisors can help employees eventually take legal action against a company that has not addressed a hostile work environment or quid pro quo harassment.

Creating a record of workplace sexual harassment is a crucial step for those seeking justice. The more evidence someone has of inappropriate workplace encounters, the better their chances of convincing the courts that what they experienced violated their rights.